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Wednesday, December 19, 2012

A Yummy for Y'all!

Several weeks ago I was browsing my News Feed on Facebook when I noticed a post from Hobby Lobby. They were advertising their drawer pulls. It was news to me—that they carried drawer pulls—although it didn't surprise me since we all know they have lots o' fabulously fun things.

When ELC was visiting the first week of December, I told her we HAD to make a quick run to HL. I needed a new front door wreath and I wanted to scope out the drawer pulls. Off we went (after a quick stop at Sonic for a Coke Zero with Vanilla).

Since Little Leighton had fallen asleep on the drive over, ELC said she’d just circle the parking lot (oh, the things we do for our babies) while I sprinted in. (She went around so many times she might have gotten a teensy bit dizzy.)

Not only did I find the awesome, 50% off, wreath, but I found these ADORABLE drawer pulls!

ELC and I both love birds. For a lot of reasons. Most recently because one of LL's many nicknames is "Birdey." I decided I would replace the pulls on the little, antique nightstand in "ELC's room." I think it turned out brilliantly! We just have to smile every time we see them.

I hope everyone has a Wonderful Wednesday! (The high today in my part of Texas is 78 degrees and they're calling for a chance of snow next week. Seriously. I cannot make this up. Texas weather is WACKY.)



Kristy said...

Love the drawer pulls! I didn't know you are on Facebook.

The Leightons said...

Thanks, K! Yep. I'm a Facebooker. Again. Finally fell for the peer pressure. LOL.

Kristy said...

HaHa! Well Rett and I are still holding out :)