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Saturday, October 19, 2013

two too many...

So I’ve been a “Bachelorette” for the past four-ish days! My Sweet Hubby (MSH) went to the Corpus Christi area early this past Tuesday morning and just got home a couple of hours ago. A long-time good and dear friend of ours, and his wife, owns a beautiful vacation home down there. Three “old” guys, who’ve known each other for more than forty years, had a great time. Fishing. Story-telling. Story-telling about fishing. Eating. Sleeping. Fishing. Chillaxin’.

I was feeling puny the first day MSH was gone. I worked the second day. Then for the next two and a half days I babysat Teddy Buddy Boo Bear (TBBB was really almost in mourning over MSH being away—it was quite heartbreaking) and Morty the Cat, working in a little tidbit or two of organizing and cleaning. Some laundry. Some errands. Okay, and some Candy Crush. I hate that game.

Had lunch with two Dear, Sweet Friends yesterday. Loved that. One of them works at our local State University. She’d actually walked over to the restaurant from her office. At one point, she asked me what time it was. I said: “Just 12:25.” She got a funny look on her face. It did occur to me that seemed wrong. Seemed like we’d been there for about an hour. My answer would have meant we’d only been there about 35 minutes. Hmmm. We continued to chat and giggle as we finished our lunch and teas (iced teas, for our British Friends' info). Suddenly, after looking at her cellphone, she nearly jumped out of her chair, saying: “Yikes! It’s 1:25! I’m 25 minutes late!” She still had a good five minutes of getting out the door and back to her desk. As I got into my car, I looked at the clock. It was now 1:30 p.m. CST. I looked, again, at my watch. Well, there you go. My watch was 25 minutes slow. I felt horrible. I also couldn’t help but wonder how many days I’d been 25 minutes off! All three of us had checked our cellphones at least twice during our time together. ???

I usually love being alone for a couple of nights. I learned, however, that, at this point in my "senior" life, four is maybe two too many. Yes, I got to watch what I wanted on the telly (another nod to our English blokes and blokettes). With no interference. No guilt. I got to eat what I wanted. When I wanted. With no judgey-like opinions from MSH. I had complete and total freedom. It was lovely. But I was beyond ready for MSH to come home today! So was TBBB. Morty the Cat? He can take us all or leave us all. Either way seems to be fine with him. Or so he pretends. Morty definitely adds a layer of mystery and challenge to our Life in the Country.
Tomorrow TLC and Little Leighton come for a short visit. We'll be in Grammy and Pa-Dad Heaven. Seriously. Can't even wait.

Here’s hoping Y’all are having a Wonderful Weekend…

Smooches and Hugs…


p.s.: BE WILD. Don’t look at your watch!