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Sunday, April 27, 2014

Creepy or Cool?

This is a Century Cactus Plant outside our master bedroom door from two views:

My Sweet Hubby (MSH) and I have not seen a cactus on our place grow a spike/spear like this since we moved out here to the country fourteen years ago.

Y’all remember how much I love love LOVE cacti! (See my Coochie Coo post on April 21, 2011…) MSH hollered at me to come outside two weeks ago to show me the beginnings of this “spear.” It currently has to be almost sixteen feet tall. TLC saw it when it was about eight feet tall—Easter weekend. She was totally creeped out by it. Really couldn’t say enough bad things about how weird it looked. She’s no fun.

I’ve embraced its beauty and wonder! I can’t wait to see what else happens to it in the next days and weeks. MSH researched “Century Plants” yesterday. Apparenty the tall, cRaZy-lookin’ stalk means this cactus is at the end of its “life cycle.” That makes me sad, of course. Very.

The “country” is full of sheer and utter amazement to moi. Mother Nature and Her critters, birds, insects, snakes? They fill me with curiosity, love, peace, fear, respect, joy, more fear, and incredible faith in Our Lord God Almighty. The sunrises, sunsets, fast-changing skies, sounds, mysteries—everything I see, feel, touch, and hear makes my heart and soul sing with gratitude.

Hope each of Y’all have a Wonderful Week—Wherever in the World you are! (I also hope you see something like this—something different. Strange. Interesting. Something that makes you say: “Wow! That’s awesome!” Something that makes you glad to be alive.)

smooches and hugs, Dear Friends…

p.s.: Please don't look at our yard and garden! They'll both be much purtier in a few weeks. We're (patiently) waiting for the damage Old Man Winter did to everything in North Central Texas to be healed...