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Monday, July 17, 2017

surprise! part two...

As ELC mentioned, my precious Aunt and Cousins had a little surprise (early) birthday soiree for Little Leighton last weekend. We had so. much. FUN. LL was shocked!

My Aunt's house had been decorated from top to bottom! It was beautiful.

They played "Pin the Carrot on Olaf!" (At one point, several weeks ago, LL mentioned she would like a My Little Pony/Frozen birthday party. My adorable family took her seriously! It made my heart just SMILE.)

There was even face painting! LL opted for the loveliest little rainbow. We love rainbows!

Time for cupcakes! Grammy ELC made extra yummy gluten-free Funfetti cupcakes. We frosted them with strawberry icing. They were DELISH.

This was a picture of The Leighton Ladies and Baby Elle at my Cousin's play the next morning. We all thought it was AWESOME.

The memories we made are priceless to all of us. We can't wait to see them all again soon!

Okay--back to packing for me, y'all. YUCK. I wish I had one of those cupcakes right about now.

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