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Saturday, October 7, 2017

my sad heart...

Yesterday afternoon, our place went on-line.  I was with My Precious Friend, Sunny, at our most favourite lunch spot—having pizza—when I got the text that it was officially For Sale. Bless her sweet heart—she got tears in her eyes. We cannot imagine not being close to each other. We’ve been friends for thirty years. I love her like a sister. I’ve promised her we’re not going that far away! Still…we know it won’t be the same. Change never is. DAMMIT.


If anyone had tried to warn me years ago that we’d someday move from our country casa? I’d have laughed and said they were crazy/nUtS/delusional. This is not something we thought about until four-ish years ago. Not something for which we’d ever made serious plans. Or even expected to happen. We don’t know where we’ll go! East. Northeast. Southeast. The Ft. Worth area. Closer to TLC and her family.


We could be here for months—or years! We may not get the offer we want/need. This much My Sweet Hubby (MSH) and I feel confident about in our bones and souls: God knows what His Plan is for us. He knows there hasn’t been one day, in almost eighteen years, I haven’t sincerely thanked him for His gift of this beautiful home. Not one. If we’re meant to be here longer? Then we’re meant to be here longer. His Plan. His Timing. Our faith and patience.


In the meantime, I will treasure every second I have left here with My Sweet Hubby (MSH) and our pets—Buddy Boo Bear the Dog and Hunter the Cat. And our three Mama cows and two baby calves (one more to arrive any time!). And our beautiful birds and critters. We’ll both treasure whatever visits might be left with our kids and grandkids. Friends. We’ll treasure every last second. Trust me. We must. It's just that exquisite out here.


Here come my tears…and there will be many, many more, I’m afraid. Gotta scoot. There’s work to do.


Have a Spectacular Saturday, Sillies…wherever in this World you are!

p.s.--HAPPY BIRTHDAY, Nellie! We love you!

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