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Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Our Darling Friends...

2014 has been, well, frankly, difficult. Too often. The Leighton Gals are determined 2015 will be full of meaningful and significant changes and improvements. At least in terms of health issues/challenges. And, specifically, for Our Precious Little Leighton!

We have many readers who have been with us from the beginning! We thank y’all so very much. Your loyalty touches our hearts. Truly. We want you to believe how grateful we are for the time you so generously devote to this blog. One of our fondest wishes is to be able to someday meet, in person, those of you in different countries around the world or other places in America that have joined us month after month—year after year—in the sharing of our thoughts and experiences—the stories of our simple, sometimes cRaZy, lives. It’s as if your spirits have always been here with Texas.

We’ll be around next year—posting. Sharing. Praying. Complaining, maybe. A little itty-bitty tidbit. Dreaming. Praying. Believing. Yeehaw-ing and Yummy-ing. Planning. Praying. Stick with us! We think the BEST is YET TO COME…

Love and Smooches and Hugs to Each and Every Single Last One of Y’all—Our Darling Friends…